Tony Loureiro

The Ten Step Framework for Effective Coaching SessionsThe Ten Step Framework for Effective Coaching Sessions

The Ten Step Framework for Effective Coaching SessionsThe Ten Step Framework for Effective Coaching Sessions

The Ten Step for Effective Coaching Sessions

Rarely, if ever, does a coaching conversation follow a step-by-step pattern. Great coaches, however, guide the conversation so that the person being coached is constantly learning, gaining new insights and crafting ambitious personal plans. Here are ten things for you to consider as a framework for an effective coaching session:

#1. Checking In.
“How are you doing?”
“ Are you ready to dive in?”

#2. Looking Back.
“What have you accomplished since our last conversation?”
“ What have been your biggest disappointments?”

#3. Continuous Learning.
“What have you observed about yourself?”
“ What new insights have you gained?”

#4. Making Progress.
“What important breakthroughs have you made?”
“ What new habits are you practicing?”

#5. Building Energy.
“What has been the most fun?”
“ How can you do more of this?”

#6. Current Issues.
“What important new challenges are you facing?”
“ What new opportunities have emerged ?”

#7. Being Helpful.
“How can we best use our time?”
“ How can I be most helpful?”

#8. Diving In.
Affirmations, questions, confrontations, insights and challenges
Repeat as necessary

#9. Advancing Action.
“What is the most potent next step?”
“ What specific commitments will you make?”

#10. Planning to Reconnect
“When will we next speak?”
“ My best wishes go with you”Rarely, if ever, does a coaching conversation follow a step-by-step pattern. Great coaches, however, guide the conversation so that the person being coached is constantly learning, gaining new insights and crafting ambitious personal plans. Here are ten things for you to consider as a framework for an effective coaching session:

#1. Checking In.
“How are you doing?”
“ Are you ready to dive in?”

#2. Looking Back.
“What have you accomplished since our last conversation?”
“ What have been your biggest disappointments?”

#3. Continuous Learning.
“What have you observed about yourself?”
“ What new insights have you gained?”

#4. Making Progress.
“What important breakthroughs have you made?”
“ What new habits are you practicing?”

#5. Building Energy.
“What has been the most fun?”
“ How can you do more of this?”

#6. Current Issues.
“What important new challenges are you facing?”
“ What new opportunities have emerged ?”

#7. Being Helpful.
“How can we best use our time?”
“ How can I be most helpful?”

#8. Diving In.
Affirmations, questions, confrontations, insights and challenges
Repeat as necessary

#9. Advancing Action.
“What is the most potent next step?”
“ What specific commitments will you make?”

#10. Planning to Reconnect
“When will we next speak?”
“ My best wishes go with you”

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Tony Loureiro

Tony Loureiro é um dos mais requisitados palestrantes do Brasil e autoridade em temas relacionados a coaching, comunicação no âmbito da liderança, negociação e psicologia positiva.

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